Everyone is a Learner

As a coach, I interact with teachers who are just beginning and teachers who have been in education for two or three decades. I have come to realize that teachers are just older students. The problem is that many teachers see themselves as only a teacher. They do not feel they need to learn anything; new strategies, read about or share ideas with others, or allow students to lead in their learning.  Teachers who think they are done learning, or do not have time to learn new things, are a stumbling block to the teachers on their team, the students in their classrooms, and the those they interact with.

If all teachers were challenged to be learners, they would be a part of a school culture evolving by the passions and interests of the community.  The best teachers seek learning new ways to share the learning with students. The teachers are great not only because they can teach well, but because they are continuously reflecting on the lessons. These teachers find the best ways to reach the students. Teachers who see themselves as learners, value the students input in learning. The best teachers empower the students to go beyond engagement by modeling and sharing their own learning with others.

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